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MyoRing is a 360° continous full-ring implant to be implanted into a corneal pocket for the treatment of Myopia and Keratoconus. The internationally patented device combines two a-priori contradictory qualities: rigidity for the modelling and stabilisation of the corneal shape after implantation and flexibility (shape memory) for the implantation via a small pocket entry to preserve the corneal biomechanics.




In Keratoconus, MyoRing implantation performed by a DIOPTEX trained surgeon can achieve both, Visual Rehabilitation AND Stop of progression.




In Myopia, MyoRing implantation performed by a DIOPTEX trained surgeon can achieve spectacle free living even in cases not eligible for Laser Vision Correction.




In order to preserve the biomechanics of the cornea it is most important to keep the width of the corneal pocket entry less than 5.5 mm. To achieve optimal visual results it is important to create the corneal pocket for MyoRing implantation by using the PocketMaker Ultrakeratome which guarantees a perfectly smooth interface and, consequently, adaptation of the corneal shape to a new biomechanical equilibrium.

The MyoRing can be considered as a kind of "permanent contact lens" which is not really a lens but a ring and which is, unlike a normal contact lens not worn on the top of the cornea but 0.3 mm beneath the corneal surface inside the cornea.

The treatment is minimally invasive and easy to perform. It is intra- and postoperatively painless with a very short rehabilitation time.
Insertion, exchange or removal of MyoRing is almost as easy to perform as of a normal contact lens and takes less than one minute. The safety of the procedure is highly proven in thousands of treatments.


Myopia: All grades of Myopia between 1 dioptre and 20 dioptres even if not eligible to Excimer Laser treatment such as:




Keratoconus: All grades of non-central and central Keratoconus, PMD as well as post-LASIK Keratectasia as long as the minimal corneal thickness is larger than 350 microns. According to the long-term results of up to 8 years MyoRing cannot only achieve visual rehabilitation but also stop of progression of the disease. MyoRing is therefore also indicated for the treatment of progressive cases of keratoconus without the need of cross linking.




Advantages & Benefits

Myopia: In comparison to other alternatives to Excimer Laser treatment, which are intraocular procedures with significant risks, side-effects and long-term complications, MyoRing implantation into a corneal pocket is safe, effective, minimally invasive, reversible and easy to perform.

Keratoconus: In comparison to the treatment with ring-segments, MyoRing implantation into a corneal pocket is more effective in all grades of Keratoconus and allows the surgeon access to all 3 theoretically possible degrees of freedom of an intra-corneal implant in order to achieve the best possible result in every given case. Since the MyoRing is a continous ring without free ends, typical complications of ring-segments such as e.g. extrusions are usually not seen in MyoRing treatment. According to the long-term results MyoRing treatment of keratoconus cannot only achieve visual rehabilitation but also stop of progression. It is currently by far the best treatment option for keratoconus. One can achieve even something like “healing of keratoconus”.


Depending on the grade of Myopia and Keratoconus the diameter of the MyoRing ranges from 5 – 8 mm and the thickness ranges from 200 – 320 microns.


Myopia: The nomogram for the selection of the right Myo-Ring dimension for myopia depends on the spherical equivalent of the manifest refraction as long as the manifest cylinder is less than 1 dioptre.

Keratoconus: The nomogram for the selection of the right Myo-Ring dimension for keratoconus is very simple and depends only on the value of the central average K-reading according to (SIM K1 + SIM K2)/2. There is no limit with respect to preoperative astigmatism.

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